Sunday, October 4, 2009


  1. Is now or never. Wakeup UNSC. Super powers that want to avoid the catastrophe in the very near future help UNSC in order to put Than Shwe regime on trial for committing crime against humanity.
    (A request: Bloggers who are striving for freedom of Burma, please forward this site to human rights organizations throughout the world)

  2. Than Shwe, don't ever think about 2010 elections before you straighten out the matter, depayin massacre in 2003. Super powers, United Nations and world communities do not encourage the military regime by saying "Yes" to the junta-sponsored elections.
    Every each and individual people should say "No" to the elections sponsored by government that is not elected by people. If you let in a thief into your house what do you think that thug will do. Think it carefully.
    It is an outrage that the the world body and super powers are hesitated to take action on a regime that has been ruling a country for a long long time and committing crime after another crime and pay not a single heed to requests and warning of the world communities.
